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Archbishop Mark Coleridge's SYNOD24 Pastoral Message

Jun 18, 2024

Since 2018, the Church in Australia has been on a journey of listening, dialogue, and discernment to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit. This has led to the creation of ten decrees awaiting final approval from the Pope in Rome. To further explore...

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Australia Day Message

Jan 25, 2024

Australia Day is marked in different ways by the different peoples who form the rich tapestry of this nation lying beneath the Southern Cross. For some it is a moment to look back with pride on the many achievements of Australia since 26 January 1788...

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Personal reflections on "The Voice"

Sep 12, 2023

The Referendum on the Voice brings Australia to a threshold moment, since it looks not only to our past but to our future, not only to what we have been but to what we can become. The Church is politically nonpartisan and does not mandate/dictate how...

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A Pastoral Statement on the Referendum

Sep 7, 2023

Original Art - 'Reconciliation with Aborigines' (C) Michael Galovic - 1999 The Referendum on the Voice brings Australia to a threshold moment, since it looks not only to our past but to our future, not only to what we have been but to what we can become...

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NAIDOC Week Message

Jul 6, 2023

This week we celebrate NAIDOC Week, highlighting the theme 'For Our Elders', which recognises that across every generation Elders have played and continue to play an important role and hold a prominent place in our communities and families. Archbishop...

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Statement RE: reinstating the Sunday Obligation in wake of COVID-19 threat receding

May 5, 2023

When the COVID pandemic struck, I joined other bishops in deciding for a dispensation from the obligation to attend Sunday Mass. Now that the pandemic seems to be receding, it is good for us to reflect not only upon the Sunday obligation but upon the...

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Archbishop Mark Coleridge's Lenten Pastoral Letter 2022

Mar 1, 2022

LED BY THE SPIRIT A Lenten Letter to the People of God in the Archdiocese of Brisbane Dear sisters and brothers, "Grace be with you who love our Lord Jesus Christ with an incorruptible love" (Eph 6:24) The Gospels tell us that Jesus is led by the Spirit...

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Bishops formally convoke Fifth Plenary Council

May 25, 2021

The Australian Catholic Bishops Conference has formally convoked the Fifth Plenary Council of Australia, with its president Archbishop Mark Coleridge signing the required decree on Pentecost Sunday. The decree of convocation is the final necessary step...

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Welcome Back to Mass - Archbishop Mark Coleridge

Jun 26, 2020

As restrictions to curb COVID-19 ease Archbishop Coleridge asks that we once again come together to rejoice in the gift of each other and enjoy the feast at the table of the Lord. Contact your local parish to find out when you can come and be with us...

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Archbishop Mark Coleridge's Lenten Pastoral Letter 2020

Mar 1, 2020

As we come to Ash Wednesday we think of the ocean of ashes in which we have drowned as the fires have engulfed the land. Ours is a land of fire. Fire is part of the ecology of Australia, and it has been for thousands of years. But this was something different,...

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