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Our Parish > Welcome

Hello and Welcome to Our Parish!

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Dear brother/sister in Christ, welcome to Kingaroy and Nanango Parishes. It is our pleasure to welcome you to our website and offer you Christ’s greeting of Peace. Each of our parish and school community radiates a unique Christ-centred family atmosphere where you will know and feel you truly belong.

We invite you to join us in celebrating our faith-filled Sunday or weekday Eucharist. Our team will also be delighted to assist you or your family members if you need to prepare and receive important sacraments such as baptism, confirmation, marriage, anointing of the sick and so on. Our celebrations are always welcoming to everyone especially young families with children.

If you are seeking to go deeper in your faith, know more about the Catholic Church, or come back to the Church, we organise prayers, liturgies and programs to accompany you on your faith journey. Our parishioners enjoy helping fellow parishioners and visitors through good works of charity, assisting the elderly, outreach to those on the margins and participating in the life of our local communities. This is because we respect and encourage the use of our gifts to become missionary disciples ready to fan into flame the gifts of God we have received for the good of our neighbour (2 Tim 1:6).

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As we look forward to sharing in your hopes, joys, we wish you every blessing.

Fr Stanley Orji
Parish Priest

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