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Homily on the Death of Fr Gerald O'Collins SJ


I first met Gerald O'Collins in 1971 when I was a seminarian at Corpus Christi College Glen Waverley in what was then called first year Theology and he was a young and rather glamorous teacher of theology who seemed to know everything and everyone. Those...

Homily on the Solemnity of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop


Mary MacKillop was by all accounts a peaceful woman who, it has been said, "respected and loved people even when they were at their worst". Yet she was no stranger to conflict through her life. She didn't seek conflict, but it seemed to seek her. Mary's...

Homily at the Sesquicentenary Celebration of the Cathedral of St Stephen


It was Winston Churchill who said, "We shape our buildings; thereafter they shape us". He echoed the words of the architect Frank Lloyd Wright, "We create our buildings and then they create us". In this sesquicentenary celebration we tell the story of...

Archbishop Coleridge Anzac Day homily 2024


Warfare has changed dramatically in the span of time we remember on Anzac Day. Perhaps the greatest emblem of that change was the dropping of the atom bomb on Hiroshima on 6 August 1945. We have all seen images and read stories of the apocalyptic devastation...

Homily at the Easter Vigil


A large stone was rolled across the entrance of the new rock-hewn tomb where Jesus was laid. It was the custom to seal a tomb of this kind, not only with a large stone but with other seals as well to prevent the incursions of grave-robbers and wild animals...

Homily on Good Friday


In his letters, the Apostle Paul speaks of the two Adams - the first Adam of the beginning and the second Adam, Jesus, of the new beginning, the man of earth and the Man of heaven, as today's Opening Prayer has it. The first Adam fell because of disobedience,...

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