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Sacraments > Marriage

wedding couple standing on the istle

Catholics believe that God wants to be present with us as we live out our vocation in life, whether that be as a single person, a priest, member of a religious order, or as a married person. These vocations call us all to holiness, but some vocations also need us to take vows to each other and to God. The Sacrament of Matrimony – what we commonly refer to as marriage - is a ritual union between a man and a woman who freely vow to love and uphold each other in a promise with God for the rest of their lives. Marriage calls married couples to holiness and to bring forth new life. The marriage sacrament often takes place during the Eucharistic liturgy, or a Nuptial Mass, but this is not necessary and can be undertaken separately.

Kingaroy Nanango Catholic Parishes

Archbishop: Most Rev Mark Coleridge BA DSS

Parish Priest: Father Stanley Orji

Parish office address:
15 Albert Street, Kingaroy, QLD, Australia
PO Box 120, Kingaroy, QLD, Australia

Parish Priest: Father Stanley Orji

Phone: 07 4162 5121

After hours: 07 4162 5121

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am - 2:30pm

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