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Holy Orders

Sacraments > Holy Orders


Every Catholic sacrament requires the presence of an ordained man in one way or another. But how are deacons, priests or bishops appointed to these special roles? Catholic priests, deacons and bishops receive their authority through the Sacrament of Holy Orders. This sacrament imparts unique graces so that these men may serve the spiritual needs of the Church. A baptised man must be ordained as a deacon before being ordained a priest and ordained a priest before being ordained a bishop. Just like with marriage, Holy Orders is a Sacrament of Service and is a promise given to God for life.

Kingaroy Nanango Catholic Parishes

Archbishop: Most Rev Mark Coleridge BA DSS

Parish Priest: Father Stanley Orji

Parish office address:
15 Albert Street, Kingaroy, QLD, Australia
PO Box 120, Kingaroy, QLD, Australia

Parish Priest: Father Stanley Orji

Phone: 07 4162 5121

After hours: 07 4162 5121

Office hours: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am - 2:30pm

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